Dental Crowns

dental_crownWhen your tooth becomes badly decayed, fractured, or has a large filling that has become old and ineffectual, the dentist will likely recommend that a crown be placed on the affected tooth. The crown essentially serves as a cap on the tooth that protects the rest of the tooth from becoming damaged. Crowns serve to strengthen the healthy structure of the tooth so that your smile can remain as bright and beautiful as you deserve.

There are various types of dental crowns which include porcelain and metal crowns, all metal crowns, and all porcelain crowns. The majority of crown procedures will require at least two, if not more, appointments with the dentist.

The fitting of a crown will start with the removal of any decay that has damaged the tooth or teeth. After the area has been drilled, the tooth will be shaped in order to fit the crown. The dentist will then make an impression of the mouth so that the crown will fit in the appropriate area. A transitional crown, which is composed of either metal or plastic, will then be formed and then placed on the tooth. Another appointment will then be scheduled for a later time, usually during the next week. The temporary crown will then be removed and the permanent one will be put in its place. It will be adjusted appropriately and then cemented onto the tooth.

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